Vested members: Beneficiary Benefits

 Vested members get credit assistance if the member has an income, we will guarantee up to 40% of incumbency for Car loans, personal loans, mortgages, business loans, and more other benefits include income assistance we will allow these members that maybe falling behind in their bills to work from home to supplement their income until they have at least 90 days bill money saved. They will be eligible for grants; all vested members can also create a retirement account within the trust. Comprehensive medical insurance will be available at an affordable rate. Vested member children will receive help with college of trade school opportunities, discounts on professional services.

Open for popular demand funds will be allocated for a popular demand service. Vested members will also get 10% for allowing us to share their information with or affiliates and partners when they sign for the services with XM Our entire system pays 10% for referrals, if Faith Baptist participates will receive 10% of finder’s fee for all members of the church that sign up for membership or that invest. This is a work in progress based on where we were only 24 months ago, we are ready, and the time is now.